Category Archives: Paws N Reflect

Sirius 9/11 Hero Dog

SIRIUS worked with the Port Authority K9 unit sniffing out bombs and explosives when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in NYC on 9/11. We will Never Forget You Sirius 💔RIP

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What is Rabies? Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. The virus is secreted in saliva and is usually transmitted to people and animals by a bite from an infected animal. Less commonly, … Continue reading

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The Garden by Moonlight

This mysterious poem “The Garden by Moonlight” by Amy Lowell, features a black cat asleep among roses, other flowers, and insects. The Garden by Moonlight ― by Amy Lowell (1874–1925) A black cat among roses,Phlox, lilac-misted under a first-quarter moon,The … Continue reading

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