Category Archives: Friday


FRIDAY. Make each day of the week like Friday and your life will take on new enthusiasm. — Byron Pulsifer

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French Poodle Friday

The Poodle is the national dog of France. According to the AKC there is no such breed as the “French Poodle.” In France, Poodles are known as the Caniche, or “duck dog.”  Poodles originated in Germany and originally bred for … Continue reading

Posted in Dogs, Animals, Dog Breeds, Entertain, Friday, History, Inform, Inspire, Paws, Paws N Reflect, Pets, Quote, Reflect | Comments Off on French Poodle Friday

Feline Tidbits

Feline Tidbits is a list of topics which includes information about feline behavior such as: Cats As Alarm Clocks, All Kittens are Not Equal, as well as: Read about Feline Tidbits HERE

Posted in Feline, Animals, Friday, Paws, Paws N Reflect, Pets, Photograpahy, Reflect | Comments Off on Feline Tidbits